Support Triple J Farm's New Barn Fund

$ 20.00 raised $ 20000.00

Support Triple J Farm's New Barn Fund

A Legacy of Love and Community: Help Us Build the Future

Triple J Farm has been a cornerstone of our community, a place where love, hard work, and the joys of farming come together. Our journey began with a dream, and over the years, we have grown into a vibrant farm that provides not just fresh produce, but also a sanctuary for families, friends, and neighbors to connect with the land and each other.

Today, we are reaching out to you, our extended family, to help us take the next step in our journey. We are thrilled to announce the construction of a new barn, a project that holds deep personal significance and is essential for the continued growth and success of Triple J Farm.

Honoring Wilhelma and Lewis Minton

This new barn will be dedicated to the loving memory of Wilhelma and Lewis Minton, two remarkable individuals who embodied the spirit of Triple J Farm. Their dedication, hard work, and unwavering support were instrumental in shaping our farm into what it is today. Their legacy lives on through every seed we plant and every harvest we gather.

Join Us for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

We invite you to be part of this momentous occasion. The barn dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 26th. This special event will not only mark the opening of our new barn but also celebrate the lives of Wilhelma and Lewis. It will be a day filled with memories, gratitude, and the promise of new beginnings.
Why Your Support Matters

Building this barn is not just about creating a new structure; it's about ensuring that Triple J Farm can continue to serve our community, expand our operations, and provide a place where people can learn, grow, and connect with nature. Your donation will help us create a space where:

- We can host educational programs and workshops for children and adults.
- We can expand Wholesale program providing fresh, local produce to more families.
- We can offer a venue for community events, fostering a sense of togetherness and shared purpose.

How You Can Help

Your generosity will make a significant difference. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to our goal. Together, we can build a barn that will stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of Wilhelma and Lewis Minton, and ensure that Triple J Farm continues to thrive for generations to come.

Donate Today

Join us in this heartwarming journey. Your support is more than just a financial contribution; it's a commitment to the values of community, sustainability, and love that Triple J Farm represents. Let's build this barn together and create a future where our farm continues to flourish and bring joy to all who visit.

Thank you for your support and generosity. We look forward to seeing you at the ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 26th.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The Triple J Farm Family

Recent donations

Anonymous made a donation. USD 20.00

2 weeks ago

Secure Donation


How much of my donation goes to work?

100% of your donation will be used to continue our new barn build and set up the right operations needed for our pastured raised chickens.